Pakistani clothing and fashion industry is rowing swiftly with the changing fashion needs and demands. With highly impact on social media and international fashion trends , Pakistani fashion designers making the best they can. Pakistani dresses now have been considered in internation…
Everyone wish to be the center of discussion and be praised by others; so are you? Definitely you wish to; so today we will gives you some tips to be able to do so. Before proceeding to the main point, I will like to tell you something about human psychology. Human has been praised and…
“ Oh, It’s damn hot and stylish , I wish I had that” this is the expression every girl showed after seeing a trendy attire in the shelf of a retail clothing store . You also probably said that plenty of times. In fact every girl wants updated, trendy and stylish dresses for every sort …
A good old fashion always alive , especially a fashion which is directly connected with your tradition. Everyone knows that Fashion changes, but style sustains and it is the fashion cycle that old fashion comes back with little bit updating and that’s why She9 is going to share a com…
Glamor/Glamour world is full of charm and style; every sort of industry and market is linked with fashion and glamour industry. The beauty of fashion and glamour industry is its attractiveness. How old you are what sector, region or status you have ultimately you are the victim of gla…
When the warm weather strikes and sun reminds you its presence; you absolutely need to protect your eyes . And what if it turns into fashion? Yes, nowadays using sunglasses have become the fashion and especially in summer it becomes the “Hot Fashion”. In summer season nothing would be…
Being the part of society we have a big influence on society norms and values; actually we are the creator of norms and values which sometimes delight us and sometimes hurt. But in total to live in a society is a wonderful experience we learned. Both men and women have their important …
This summer flaunt your glamorous look all the day; no matter you are on the go or working in office, keep your fashion with you with brand new summer 2015 dress collection by Gul Ahmed . Gul Ahmed just launched glamourous and elegant designs of trendy kurtis for summer 2015 ; the col…
Tattooing the body parts is one of the primogenital cultural value found in world’s every culture and region. It has been used to describe the inner feelings about something or express emotions, happiness or sorrow. But with the passage of time tattooing the body parts has become a pow…
Fashion changes the personality. It is a simple quote. But do you think that fashion should be according to the tradition? Everyone has his own mindset, but I think of course fashion should follow traditions and norms, whereas it is not fashion. People always love to wear these types o…
Through winter are now going on, and all the people covering about themselves all kinds of clothes that would keep them warm, there are most of the people who would like to retain in mind, the very elegance factor while by means of the best of those covers, and wants to look graceful …
Now days, winter shawls are much popular in Pakistan and India. Like other accessories, matching shawls with every outfit is latest trend in this winter season in Pakistan and India. The best thing about shawls is that it can be worn with every type and every material of outfit in w…
Do you not think Tights has replaced trousers ? Yes! As trouser replaced the salwar/shalwar fashion in 2005 and now tights has replaced with trousers. Getting confused as it comes to building the ideal outfit frequently has fewer to do with not having the perfect items, and further t…
Jewelry is not meant to girls only, traditionally and in ancient days men used more jewelry then women. With the passage of time trends changed and almost around the globe the jewellery has become the symbol of women fashion. But, one thing did not change with time. It is the use o…
Gul Ahmed is just not the clothing brand; it is something more for the girls of Pakistan. They loved Gul Ahmed because Gul Ahmed gives lot of happiness, charm and colors to their lives in every season. In Pakistan Gul Ahmed has become the part of every girl’s life and girls thought th…

Do you know that the trend of short shirt with trouser will be again back in fashion? Because long shirt fashion is going to expire with in few months. That is why, here we are discussing the latest and new fashion that is “ short shirts with trousers ”. These days, middle age women …
We all know that mehndi function is one of the special events in the whole wedding ceremony. As on one side the women simply love to choose the beautiful mehndi dresses for this event then in the same way they give the special attention to the event accessories as well. Some of the m…
Are you searching for some of the latest trends of Walima party hairstyles ? Well if yes then have a look at these beautiful Pakistani bridal hairstyles for walima function. On the day of walima party, women should choose hairstyles that are simple to style and make them feel comfort…
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